Why they believe in Heaven.
It suddenly struck me why the theists out there, or more correctly some of them, cling to the idea of an afterlife. I was reading at Mass Media Funk (Feb 23rd, 2006) how Sacramento Zoo did a bit on Evolution to combat ID. Outside a fellow was handing out a pamphlet that said this:
I got worked up, as is usual, and started mutter to myself about the english language. How can these morons not realize that atheist and non-theist are the same thing. By definition an atheist is one without religion. They would counter by saying atheism is a religion. And that's when it hit me. This type of individual lacks the creative capacity to even CONCEIVE of a person who doesn't have a religion. Just not possible to them. So, how then can they conceive of dying and there being... nothing. Not darkness, not someplace else, not thought without form, NOTHING. They can't.
Therefore, since they can't imagine nothing, then there must be something. And Heaven sounds awfully nice. So that must be it.
The world would have been such a nice place if we'd never learned to talk.
Science is neither theistic nor atheistic; it is non-theistic, just as are mathematics and statistics.Among other things.
I got worked up, as is usual, and started mutter to myself about the english language. How can these morons not realize that atheist and non-theist are the same thing. By definition an atheist is one without religion. They would counter by saying atheism is a religion. And that's when it hit me. This type of individual lacks the creative capacity to even CONCEIVE of a person who doesn't have a religion. Just not possible to them. So, how then can they conceive of dying and there being... nothing. Not darkness, not someplace else, not thought without form, NOTHING. They can't.
Therefore, since they can't imagine nothing, then there must be something. And Heaven sounds awfully nice. So that must be it.
The world would have been such a nice place if we'd never learned to talk.