I Could Be Wrong, I've Been Wrong Before

Family, Politics, Poker, Technology, Atheism, Ice Cream. What else could a man need. Except a place to make an ass of himself. Oh wait, I have that now too.

Location: Illinois, United States

So little to say, so much space to say it. Email: glintir-AT-mad.scientist.com

02 September 2005

A Clausian prayer

I believe my daughter uttered what must be the first Clausian prayer I've ever heard the other day. Here I am working diligently on the Articles of Faith, and she begins praying.

Here's what happened. We were in an antique store, just looking around, and we saw a shelf containing a number of small porcelain dolls. Without warning, she looked up (seemingly at me), and said "Santa, one of those dolls would be a great Christmas present."

Stunned, I looked at her and said, "Why are you calling me Santa?" As I said, she seemed to be looking at me.

She responded, in her wise 5 year old way, "I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Santa. I just wanted to tell him what I wanted." She paused, looking at some small chairs nearby and said, "And Santa, one of those chairs would be a nice place for her to sit."

Clearly, she understands that Santa can see us at all times, and just decided not to wait for a mall Santa's lap to put in her request.