I Could Be Wrong, I've Been Wrong Before

Family, Politics, Poker, Technology, Atheism, Ice Cream. What else could a man need. Except a place to make an ass of himself. Oh wait, I have that now too.

Location: Illinois, United States

So little to say, so much space to say it. Email: glintir-AT-mad.scientist.com

03 April 2006

This is True

Or, why Randy Casshingham is cool.

Today I was perusing the lastest issue of the e-newsletter This is True, and Randy noted that he had challenged his readers 3 weeks ago, and it resulted in a lot of lost paying subscribers. (The newsletter comes in a free and pay version.) This week he explained why, and it made me want to keep reading his newsletter in perpituity.

I can't quote it, because one of his rules on the newsletter is send it all or send none of it. So, I'll respect that and simply paraphrase. If you want to see the whole thing, to the the This is True website, and read for yourself. It comes down to this, while his newletter seems like a NEWS letter. It's really a LAUGHING AT DUMB PEOPLE letter. So, every once in a while he challenges his readers, because the people who get offended are dumb people that snuck through the cracks and read his stuff. Gotta love it.

Anyway, his other newsletter The True Stella Awards is also worth a look. It takes a look at the state of our legal system by pointing out terrible cases that are clogging our courts, and discussing them. Good stuff. Just got published as a book as well.