I Could Be Wrong, I've Been Wrong Before

Family, Politics, Poker, Technology, Atheism, Ice Cream. What else could a man need. Except a place to make an ass of himself. Oh wait, I have that now too.

Location: Illinois, United States

So little to say, so much space to say it. Email: glintir-AT-mad.scientist.com

18 April 2007


That would be the sound you don't want to hear at 7am when you run down to the basement to change a load of laundry. Monday morning after calling out of work because of a nearly sleepless night, I get woken up again by my wife because she went downstairs, couldn't turn on the lights, and heard squish.

During the night the GFI that controlled both the basement lights and the sump pumps had popped. Over the course of the evening ground water slowly inundated the entire basement. Two days and gawdawful man hours later, we've managed to get about 100 gallons of water off the floor and sucked out of the carpet. We've gotten all the furniture and whatnot moved. And now I get to spend the rest of the week removing the carpet so we can chuck it.

Ah.. Joy of joys.