Dead Silence
As I was driving to work this morning, listening to talk show hosts go on about open marraiges, I suddenly remembered a story about a Theist with whom I had dinner. This has nothing to do with open marriages, BTW, my mind works in mysterious ways.
I spend alot of time entertaining clients. I work in a technical field and regularly take groups of technicians, engineers, designers, and others out to dinner. Generally, since we're all technically minded people conversation covers one of 5 topics. Shop talk, General Science, Music and show production, Women, and Sports. Well, you know, the last two were a given. So, on the evening in question, I had brought up the topic of Mars and NASAs missions to Mars. We were poking fun at how NASA gets a robot up there and it immediately gets stuck on a rock. I mean c'mon, who knew there were rocks on Mars.. how to do you plan for THAT! And how meters and feet are quite different, which is why there's a rover sized crater on Mars, and so on. All in good fun. At this point, and young fellow brings up a story he heard about NASA and a mistake they made. I'll repeat the story here, and as you read it, know that it was told with great sincerity.
The young fellow says, that years ago, NASA's computers were chugging away on a problem of some sort. He didn't know the specifics, but did know that it involved "looking into the past" and calculating something or other regarding celestial mechanics. In any case, the computers came up with something odd. Based on their calculations a day was missing. (Actually, if you track down the story on the web it was 23 hours and 20 minutes, but he left that out.) The scientists looked high and low trying to find this missing day, before a christian pointed out that in the Bible the sun stood still for a full day for Joshua. So, he concluded, a christain and the bible cleared up NASAs mistake.
Dead Silence.
I'm fairly sure I was the next one to speak. I don't recall, but I think I said, "How about those Mets?"
I spend alot of time entertaining clients. I work in a technical field and regularly take groups of technicians, engineers, designers, and others out to dinner. Generally, since we're all technically minded people conversation covers one of 5 topics. Shop talk, General Science, Music and show production, Women, and Sports. Well, you know, the last two were a given. So, on the evening in question, I had brought up the topic of Mars and NASAs missions to Mars. We were poking fun at how NASA gets a robot up there and it immediately gets stuck on a rock. I mean c'mon, who knew there were rocks on Mars.. how to do you plan for THAT! And how meters and feet are quite different, which is why there's a rover sized crater on Mars, and so on. All in good fun. At this point, and young fellow brings up a story he heard about NASA and a mistake they made. I'll repeat the story here, and as you read it, know that it was told with great sincerity.
The young fellow says, that years ago, NASA's computers were chugging away on a problem of some sort. He didn't know the specifics, but did know that it involved "looking into the past" and calculating something or other regarding celestial mechanics. In any case, the computers came up with something odd. Based on their calculations a day was missing. (Actually, if you track down the story on the web it was 23 hours and 20 minutes, but he left that out.) The scientists looked high and low trying to find this missing day, before a christian pointed out that in the Bible the sun stood still for a full day for Joshua. So, he concluded, a christain and the bible cleared up NASAs mistake.
Dead Silence.
I'm fairly sure I was the next one to speak. I don't recall, but I think I said, "How about those Mets?"