I Could Be Wrong, I've Been Wrong Before

Family, Politics, Poker, Technology, Atheism, Ice Cream. What else could a man need. Except a place to make an ass of himself. Oh wait, I have that now too.

Location: Illinois, United States

So little to say, so much space to say it. Email: glintir-AT-mad.scientist.com

30 June 2005

Small Beginnings

I had considered the idea of my first post being in some way profound or describing my "mission statement", but I've decided that's not going to be the case. First of all, I've found that anyone who sets out to be profound disturbs me. The mere idea is disturbing Second, mission statements sort of pigeonhole you into one particular vein. You've set a goal that you must now live up to. I've got enough things to live up to without living up to a place where I dump my musings.

Therefore, I present the following.

I'm fascinated with my hair. Not in general. I'm specifically fascinated with the hairs that are falling out of my eyebrows.

See, I'm starting to go grey. I'm okay with this, even though my wife isn't. The thing is, I always wondered how one goes gray. Generally, if you notice a grey hair, it's all grey when you notice it. And you say.. hmmm... how'd this get here? How didn't I notice it? Was it born grey or did it become grey? My eyebrow hairs are the key to the mystery of grey hair. They're dark on one end, light on the other end. I find myself putting them onto dark surfaces and staring at them. It's like counting rings on a tree trunk. The tale of my fading hair color.

Of course, now I find it very disturbing when I find a hair that isn't fading. The norms have changed, and what was once normal is now odd. Ain't life grand.